Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA)

How do we make better informed decisions in water management under future uncertainty? How can we mainstream robust, flexible approaches? And finally, how can we institutionalize these methods into consistent, replicable, and accessible outcomes?

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Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis | CRIDA

CRIDA provides stepwise planning guidance for water resources planners, managers, and engineers to implement robust water management as promoted by the AGWA network — particularly for water managers working in the developing world. CRIDA will initially launch as a publication, and support a community of practice to rapidly scale up implementation.

The AGWA network seeks to support a paradigm shift in water resources planning and decision making around from what we don’t know about the future to what we know now.


Climatic, demographic, economic, and ecological variability and trends — future uncertainties — are difficult to predict, prioritize and act upon. That’s why bottom-up approaches for vulnerability assessment and robust and flexible decision making are emerging. CRIDA is an approach that implements decision scaling and bottom-up vulnerability approaches through collaborative stepwise planning procedures and Adaptation Pathways. CRIDA aims at easy assimilation in the diverse decision-making processes in water management found across the world. It addresses the urgent need to better tailor decision-making under uncertainty to the practice of water management and to improve the capacity of stakeholders, decision makers, and technical water staff together.


CRIDA is specifically designed to support technical staff, stakeholders, and decision makers in implementing effective decisions under conditions of deep uncertainty. The scope is for practitioners working on site specific problem solving, such as water shortages and drought at a specific geographical locations in developing and highly vulnerable regions of the world. CRIDA is intended to serve as a framework to be modified for the needs of individual organizations or plans.


The CRIDA publication is available to view or download as an Open Access document in a number of languages:


The table of contents will track the globally standardized planning cycle diagram shown here, illustrating the technical techniques and analysis. The document will also contain extended case studies where the methods have been applied in order to highlight the different points of the planning cycle, provide keys for success, and to include institutional and data limitations.


A downloadable PDF brochure about CRIDA is available here. Or, view a one-page flyer for a brief overview.

UNESCO has compiled a centralized repository of CRIDA-related publications and case studies, available at

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AGWA has created a short video for CRIDA's launch, highlighting the rationale and basic principles behind the methodology. Our friends at Millennium Challenge Corporation also produced two great videos explaining some of CRIDA's underlying concepts (Decision Scaling and Adaptation Pathways) as well as a short case study to illustrate CRIDA's steps.

Introduction to CRIDA
This introductory video from AGWA provides some of the rationale and principles behind the CRIDA methodology (4:12)

Overview of CRIDA
This fun and short video explains the tenants of Decision Scaling, Adaptation Pathways, and CRIDA. Learn how these approaches can be used by water managers to face uncertainty. (8:26)

CRIDA Case Study
This video presents a case study using Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA). It walks viewers through the process in a step-by-step manner using the case of the Iolanda Water Treatment Plant in Zambia as an example. (10:30)


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*To contact members of the CRIDA team, including the Editorial & Steering Committees, click here.

About the Knowledge Platform

The Knowledge Platform is designed to promote and showcase an emerging set of approaches to water resources management that address climate change and other uncertainties — increasing the use of "bottom-up approaches" through building capacity towards implementation, informing relevant parties, engaging in discussion, and creating new networks. This is an ongoing project of the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA) funded by the World Bank Group.

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